The 12thBamako Encounters entitled ‘Streams of counsciousness’ are curated by Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung. The chosen title refers to the first track of the eponymous 1977 album by Abdullah Ibrahim and Max Roach. Like a soul-to-soul conversation, this piece is reminiscent of what American philosopher William James called the “stream of consciousness” in his book The Principles of Psychology(1890), that is, the continuous stream of consciousness of a person and his conscious reactions to events.
By choosing this theme, Soh Bejeng Ndikung is proposing to think of art as the expression of an interior monologue, as a dialogue between artists, from artist to spectator, or as the artist’s sensory reactions to exterior events. The biennale will reflect on the notion of representation from the standpoint of the artist, as expressed by current of artistic thoughts. The theme of the Pan-African exhibition invites the photographers to imagine current of photographic consciousness in order to “think in pictures”.
The 12thBamako Encounters will take place from 30 November 2019 to 31 January 2020.